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What type of antenna used in the mobile?

Answer is Omni directional antenna used in the mobile. There are various types of antenna used in mobile like, PIFA (Polar Inverted F Antenna) FICA etc

Radar Equation

The power Pr returning to the receiving antenna is given by the radar equation:

P_r = {{P_t G_t  A_r \sigma  F^4}\over{{(4\pi)}^2 R_t^2R_r^2}}


  • Pt = transmitter power
  • Gt = gain of the transmitting antenna
  • Ar = effective aperture (area) of the receiving antenna
  • σ = radar cross section, or scattering coefficient, of the target
  • F = pattern propagation factor
  • Rt = distance from the transmitter to the target
  • Rr = distance from the target to the receiver.

In the common case where the transmitter and the receiver are at the same location, Rt = Rr and the term Rt² Rr² can be replaced by R4, where R is the range. This yields:

P_r = {{P_t G_t  A_r \sigma  F^4}\over{{(4\pi)}^2 R^4}}.

This shows that the received power declines as the fourth power of the range, which means that the reflected power from distant targets is very, very small.

The equation above with F = 1 is a simplification for vacuum without interference. The propagation factor accounts for the effects of multipath and shadowing and depends on the details of the environment. In a real-world situation, pathloss effects should also be considered.

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Saturday, April 27, 2013

Pulse And Digital Circuits Questions Papers

1. What is linear wave shaping? Give some examples.
2. Draw the low pass RC circuit and explain its working.
3. How a Low Pass RC circuit is used in linear wave shaping?
4. Find the lower cut of frequency of a low-pass circuit?
5. Derive an expression for the upper cut-off frequency of a low pass circuit.
6. Derive an expression for the output of low pass circuit excited by a step input.
7. Derive an expression for the rise time of the output of a low-pass circuit excited by a step input
8. Define the rise time and write the expression of it.
9. How does a low-pass circuit reserve the pulse shape?
10. Derive an expression for the output voltage levels under steady state conditions of a low pass circuit excited by a ramp input
11. Derive an expression for the output of a low-pass circuit excited by an exponential input.
12. Explain how a low pass circuit act as an integrator?
13. Show that low-pass circuit with a large time constant acts as an integrator.
14. Draw the response of a low pass circuit with small, medium and large time constants when input is square wave.
15. Draw the high-pass circuit and explain its working.
16. How a High RC circuit is used in linear wave shaping?
17. Find the upper cut of frequency of a high-pass circuit?
18. Derive an expression for the lower cut-off frequency of a High pass circuit.
19. Derive an expression for the output of high pass circuit excited by a step input.
20. Derive an expression for the rise time of the output of a high-pass circuit excited by a step input
21. How does a high-pass circuit reserve the pulse shape?
22. Derive an expression for the output voltage levels under steady state conditions of a high pass circuit excited by a ramp input
23. Derive an expression for the output of a high-pass circuit excited by an exponential input.
24. Explain how a high pass circuit act as a differentiator?
25. Draw the response of a High pass circuit with small, medium and large time constants when input is square wave.
26. Why is the capacitor in an RC high-pass circuit called a blocking capacitor?
27. Which type of RC circuit is called a capacitive coupling circuit? Draw the circuit diagram of it.
28. What must be the time constant of a high-pas circuit for the output to be in the form of a tilt for a square wave input?
29. What must be the time constant for a high pass circuit for the output to be in the form of spikes for a square wave input?
30. Derive an expression for the percentage tilt of the output of a high pass circuit with large time constant excited by a symmetrical square wav with zero average value.
31. Why does the output of a high-pass circuit contain zero dc value independent of the dc value of the input?
32. Show that for any periodic input waveform, the average level of the steady-state output waveform of the RC high-pass circuit is always zero independent of the dc value of the input?
33. How can the rate of rise of a pulse be measured by using a differentiator?
34. Draw and explain the response of RL circuit for a step input
35. Draw and explain the response of RLC circuit for a step input
36. Draw and explain the response of ringing circuit for a step input
37. Why are RC circuits commonly used compared to RL circuits?
38. Explain perfect compensation, over compensation and under compensation.
39. Why does a resistive attenuator need to be compensated?
40. Why the initial voltage distribution in an attenuator determined by the capacitors?
41. Why is the final voltage distribution in an attenuator determined by the resistors?
42. If the output of an attenuator is 1/10 of its input, what is the rise time of the output ?
1.What are the clipping circuits? Give some examples
2.How the clipping circuits are used in non-linear wave shaping?
3.Why should the resistance in the clipping circuit be chosen as the geometric mean of the diode forward and reverse resistances?
4.( a )What is the disadvantage of having a diode as a series element in a clipper?
( b ) What are the other names of clipping circuits?
5.With the help of a neat circuit diagram, explain the working of an emitter-coupled clipper.
6.What is a comparator? How it is used?
7.Distinguish between comparators and clipping circuits.
8.( a )What are the applications of voltage comparators?
( b ) What is the disadvantage of having a diode as a shunt element in a clipper?
9. What do you mean by a regenerative comparator? Give an example.
10.What do you mean by a non-regenerative comparator? Give an example
11.Draw a circuit to transmit that part of a sine wave which is below +6V and explain its working
12. Draw a circuit to transmit that part of a sine wave which is below -5V and explain its working
13. Draw a circuit to transmit that part of a sine wave which lies between +4V and +8V and explain its working
14. Draw a circuit to transmit that part of a sine wave which lies -3V and +6V and explain its working
15. Draw a circuit to transmit that part of a sine wave which lies between -4V and -7V and explain its working
16. Draw the emitter coupled clipper circuit and explain its operation
17. What do you mean by a two-way clamp and how it differ for one-way clamp?
18. What is clamper? How it is used in Non-linear wave shaping?
19. Why is clamping circuit also called dc inserter?
20. What do you mean by clamping? What the other names of a clamping circuit?
21. What is positive clamping and explain it with suitable circuit.
22. What is negative clamping and explain it with suitable circuit.
23. Derive the relation between the tilts in the forward and reverse directions of the output of a clamping circuit excited by a square-wave input.
24. State and prove the clamping circuit theorem
25. What is the difference between clamping and clamping ?
26. What do you mean by biased clamping?
27. ( a ) What are the limitations of practical clamping circuit?
( b ) What do you mean by biased clamping?
28. A 100V peak square wave with an average value of 0V and a period of 20ms is to be negatively clamped at 25V. Draw the input and output waveforms and necessary circuit diagram.
29. Draw the four diode Clipping circuits using the diode appears as a shunt and series element
30. Draw a circuit diagram of double-diode clipper which limits at two independent levels and explain it with its transfer characteristics.
31. What are the different schemes for temperature compensation of clipper? Explain them briefly.
32. Draw the circuit diagram of a diode differentiator comparator and explain its working
33. What are the applications of voltage comparators?
34. What type of difficulties are there in practical clamping circuit? How to overcome these.
1.( a ) Name the devices that can be used as switches.
( b ) Define a storage time and transition time of a diode
2.Explain how a diode act as a switch?
3.Define a diode forward recovery time and reverse recovery time.
4.Explain how a transistor acts as a switch?
5.( a ) When does a transistor act as a closed switch and an open switch?
( b ) Define a rise time and fall time of a transistor switch.
6.What is delay time and storage time of a transistor? What factors does contribute to it?
7.Write a short notes on a diode switching times.
8.Write a short notes on a transistor switching times.
9.A rectangular pulse of voltage is applied to the base of a transistor driving it from cut-off to saturation. Discuss the various times involved in the switching process.
10. How are the junctions of a transistor biased for cut-ff, active and saturation regions of operations?
11. Prove that the total turn-on time of a transistor is the sum of the delay time and the rise time.
12. Explain how a transistor acts as a closed switch in saturation region?
13. Explain how a transistor acts as a open switch in cut off region?
14. Draw and Explain the piece-wise linear characteristics of a diode.
15. Explain briefly about the breakdown voltages of a transistor.
16. Define collector to emitter breakdown voltage and Write its equation in terms of hFE.
17. For an npn Ge transistor( n=6 , hFE=50) and BVCBO is about 20V /Find the collector to emitter breakdown voltage?
18. Explain the design procedure of Transistor Switch.
19. For a CE transistor circuit with VCC = 15V, Rc=1.5K ohms, calculate the transistor power dissipation at open and closed positions.
20. Explain the variation of saturation parameters of transistor with temperature?
21. Explain the variation of VBE(sat) and VCE(sat) of transistor with temperature.
22. For a common emitter circuit, Vcc = 15V , RC =1.5Kohms and IB=0.3mA. Determine the value of hFE(min) for saturation to occur.
23. Sketch the typical transistor common-emitter characteristics. Identify the various regions of the characteristics and show how VCE(sat) differs with different load resistances.
24. A common emitter circuit has Vcc=20V and a collector resistor which can be either 20Konms to 2Kohms. Calculate the minimum level of base current to achieve saturation in each case.
25. Derive the expression for fall time of transistor switch.
26. Derive the expression for rise time of transistor switch.
27. Draw the collector waveform of transistor switch and indicate all the time intervals.
28. What the factors that contribute the delay time of transistor switch?
29. Define the storage time constant and how it is related to storage time of transistor switch?
30. Why a charge compensating capacitor is used in diode switch?
1.( a ) What is a Bistable circuit? What are the other names of a bistable multivibrator?
( b ) What are the applications of a bistable multivibrator?
2.( a ) What do you mean by the term ‘loop gain’?
3.Explain how a constant output swing can be obtained in a binary?
4.What are the commutating capacitors? Why these are used in binary?
5.What do you mean by transition time? How it can be reduced?
6.Define the resolving time, settling time and resolution time.
7.What are the methods of improving the resolution of a binary?
8.Explain the working of non-saturated binary.
9.What is a non saturated binary? What are the advantages and disadvantages of it? the saturated and non-saturated binary.
11.What is unsymmetrical triggering ? where is it used?
12.What is necessity of triggering ? What are the different types of triggering?
13.Compare symmetrical and unsymmetrical triggering.
14. Explain any one method of unsymmetrical triggering of a binary?
15. Explain any one method of symmetrical triggering of a binary?
16. What are the advantages and disadvantages of a direct-connected binary?
17. What is a Schmitt trigger? What are the applications of it.
18. With the help of neat circuit diagram and waveforms, explain the working of a Schmitt trigger.
19. Define the terms upper triggering point and lower triggering point with the help of waveforms
20. How can hysteresis be eliminated in a Schmitt trigger?
21. Define the terms: stable state, quasi stable state, dc coupling and ac coupling
22. Compare ac coupling and dc coupling in Multivibrator.
23. Define the terms UTP and LTP of a Schmitt trigger and explain how these are varied?
24. Why is monostable multivibrator also called a gating circuit and give its applications.
25. Why is monostable multivibrator also called a delay circuit and draw its circuit diagram.
26. With the help of neat circuit diagram explain the working of a collector coupled Monostable multivibrator.
27. Derive an expression for the gate width of monostable multivibrator.
28. Derive the expression for the gate width of a monostable multivibrator considering the effect of reverse saturation current.
29. What type of triggering is used in a monostable multivibrator? Draw the circuit of it.
30. With the help of a neat circuit diagram, explain the working of an emitter coupled monostable multivibrator.
31. With the help of a neat circuit diagram explain the working of an astable multivibrator
32. Draw and explain the base and collector waveforms of an Astable multivibrator.
33. Draw and explain the base and collector waveforms of a monostable multivibrator.
34. Draw and explain the base and collector waveforms of an bistable multivibrator.
35. Derive an expression for the frequency of oscillations of an astable multivibrator.
36. Show that an astable multivibrator can be used as a voltage to frequency converter.
37. What is blocked condition in an astable multivibrator? How to overcome it?
38. Draw the circuit of the gated astable multivibrator with vertical edges.
39. Draw the circuit of the gated astable multivibrator and explain how it works?
40. Draw the circuit of the astable multivibrator which does not block.
1.What is a voltage time base generator and compare it with a current time-base generator.
2.What is a current time-base generator and compare it with linear time-base generator. voltage, current and linear time-base generators.
4.Why are time-base generators called a sweep generators and what are the applications of it?
5.Define the sweep time and restoration time for time-base generators.
6.Define the terms slope error, displacement error and transmission error.
7.How the slope error, displacement error and transmission error are related for an exponential sweep circuit?
8.Derive the relation between slope error, displacement error and transmission error.
9.Explain briefly the methods of generating a time-base waveform.
10.What are the methods of generating a time-base waveform? Explain any one of it.
11.With the help of a neat circuit diagram explain the working of a simple transistor current time-base generator.
12.with the help of a neat circuit diagram, explain the working of a transistor constant current sweep circuit.
13.Explain the basic principles of Miller and Bootstrap time-base generators.
14.Compare Miller and Bootstrap time-base generators.
15.With the help of a neat circuit diagram, explain the working of a transistor Miller time base generator.
16.With the help of a neat circuit diagram and waveforms , explain the working of a transistor bootstrap time base generator.
17.How are linearly varying current waveforms generated?
18.With the help of a neat circuit diagram, explain the working of a simple current sweep.
19.What type of voltage input is required to obtain a linear current sweep? Draw the circuit diagram of any type of linear current sweep generator.
20.How is linearity corrected through adjustment of the driving waveform for a current time-base generator.
21.With the help of a neat circuit diagram, explain the working of a transistor current time base generator.
22.Prove that when restoration time is zero, we get a saw-tooth output waveform.
23.Explain how the deviation from linearity is expressed.
24.Prove that when the deviation from linearity is small then the slope error is twice the transmission error.
25.Prove that when the deviation from linearity is small then the slope error is eight times than the displacement error.
26.Prove that when the deviation from linearity is small then the transmission error is four times than the displacement error.
27.( a ) Why an operational integrator is used in Miller circuit?
( b ) What type of currents are required for magnetic deflection applications?
28.How the linearity is improved in Miller and bootstrap circuits?
29. Compare the Miller and Bootstrap circuits.
30. How a linearly varying current waveform can be generated from a linearly varying voltage waveform?
1.What is synchronization? Why it is necessary in waveform generators?
2.Explain the principle of synchronization.
3.What is the one-to one basis synchronization?
4.Explain the synchronization with frequency division.
5.Give some examples of synchronization with frequency division.
6.What is a relaxation circuit? Give a few examples of it.
7.How the negative-resistance devices used as relaxation oscillators?
8.With the help of a neat circuit diagram explain synchronization of a sweep generator with plus signals.
9.How does the synch signal affect the frequency of operation of the sweep generator?
10.What is the condition to be met for pulse synchronization?
11.With the help of a neat waveforms, explain frequency division with respect to a sweep circuit.
12.With the help of a circuit diagram and waveforms, explain frequency division by an astable blocking oscillator.
13.With the help of a circuit diagram , explain frequency division by an astable multivibrator.
14. Draw and explain the waveforms of a frequency division by an astable multivibrator.
15. what is the condition to be met form pulse synchronization of monostable circuits?
16. Explain the use of monostable relaxation device as a divider.
17. Explain the synchronization of a sweep circuit with symmetrical signals.
18. With the help of neat waveforms, explain sine wave frequency division with a sweep circuit.
19. Compare sine-wave synchronization with pulse synchronization.
20. How many types of synchronization methods are available? Explain them briefly.
21. Explain how to achieve a synchronization in the generators operate at different frequencies?
22. Explain how synchronization is achieved in counting circuits?
23. Explain the mechanism of synchronization in relaxation devices.
24. What type synchronization is used when the interval between pulses is less than or equal to the natural period of the wave form generator? Explain it briefly.
25. Explain the synchronization with symmetrical signals.
26. Prove that the range of synchronization increases with increasing sync signal amplitude.
27. Draw and explain a block diagram and waveforms for a divider without phase jitter.
28. What is phase jitter? How to reduce it in frequency division?
29. What are the various factors that affect on phase delay?
30. Explain a method of frequency division by a factor of 2 in a sweep generator.
31. Explain how the synchronization of a generator will depend on the interval between pulses and natural period?
1. What is a sampling gate? What are the applications of it?
2. Why are sampling gates are called linear gates? what are the other names of it?
3. How do sampling gates differ from logic gates? Draw the circuit diagram of unidirectional sampling gate.
4. Draw the circuit diagram of unidirectional sampling gate and explain its working.
5.Draw the circuit diagram of bidirectional sampling gate and explain its working.
6.What is pedestal? What are the effects of it in sampling gates?
7.Compare unidirectional and bidirectional sampling gates.
8.What are the draw backs of two-diode gates and how to overcome it?
9.With help of a neat diagram, explain the working of bidirectional gates using transistors.
10.With help of a neat diagram, explain the working of a two-diode sampling gate.
11.What is the gain of a gate? Derive expression for gain of a two-diode sampling gate.
12.Derive the expression for Vcmin of a two-diode sampling gate.
13.Derive the expression for Vnmin of a two-diode sampling gate.
14.With the help of a neat diagram, explain the working of a four-diode gate.
15. raw and explain the circuit diagram of a six-diode gate
16. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the unidirectional diode gate?
17. Explain the basic principle of sampling gates.
18. Draw the circuit diagram of the unidirectional diode gate for more than on input signal and explain its working
19. Explain how the loading of the control signal is reduced when the number of inputs increases?
20. Draw the circuit diagram of a unidirectional gate which delivers an output only at a coincidence of a number of control voltages and explain its working.
21. Explain how to cancel a pedestal in a sampling gate with suitable circuit diagram.
22. What are the drawbacks of a circuit which is used to eliminate a pedestal?
23. Draw the bidirectional diode sampling gate in the form of a bridge network and explain its working.
24. Write the expressions for Vcmin and Vnmin for a four-diode sample gate.
25. For the four diode gate with a divider resistance R=100Ω, VS=25V, Rf=20 R = RC = 200KΩ. Find VCmin and Vnmin?
26. Explain how a sampling gate is used in chopper amplifier?
27. Explain how a sampling gate is used in Sampling Scope?
28. What is the application a chopper amplifier? How a sampling diode is used in it?
29. What are the applications of sampling gates? Explain any one of it with a neat circuit diagram.
30. Derive the expression for Vcmin of a bidirectional sampling gate.
31. Derive the expression for Vnmin of a bidirectional sampling gate.
1. Draw a diode OR circuit for negative logic and explain how it works.
2. Explaln how a OR circuit acts a buffer circuit?
3. Draw a diode OR circuit for positive logic and explain how it works.
4. What is positive logic and negative logic in digital systems?
5. Explain the influence of shunt capacitance on the output pulse of OR gate.
6. Eplain the influence of diode internal capacitance on the output pulse of OR gate.
7. Explain how a bit is recognized in a dynamic logic system?
8. Explain the operation of OR gate with the help of truth table
9. Explain the operation of AND gate with the help of truth table
10. Draw a diode AND circuit for negative logic and explain how it works.
11. Draw a diode AND circuit for positive logic and explain its works.
12. Compare the operation of AND gate in positive and negative logics.
13. Compare the operation of OR gate in positive and negative logics.
14. What is logical noise? How to reduce it in AND gate?
15. Explain the purpose of a clamping diode in AND gate?
16. The following are the design parameters for a diode logic AND circuit in positive logic : source resistance RS, diode forward resistance Rf , diode break-point voltage Vγ and m number of inputs are at V(1) out of total n inputs. Find the expression for the output?
17. Why direct coupling is preferable to capacitive coupling in diode logics ?
18. Draw the Inverter for transistor logic and explain its working.
19. How to improve the transient response of the inverter?
20. What are the various transistor limitations in designing transistor inverters?
21. Draw the circuit diagram for a positive logic AND circuit in diode transistor logic and explain its working
22. What is LLL? How it is related to DTL logic?
23. Draw the circuit diagram of a positive NAND gate in DTL logic and explain its working.
24. How a NOR gate can be constructed using OR and NOT gates in DTL logic?
25. What are the basic gates can be constructed in DTL logic and write its truth tables?
26. Explain how a positive logic can be converted into a negative logic?
27. Draw an inverter for negative logic and explain the working of it with truth table
28. How the rise time is improved in AND gate using diodes?
29. Why a AND gate is called coincidence circuit?
30. Why a OR gate is called mixing gate?

1 comment:

  1. what are the transfer characteristics of a clampers?
