1 What is an exception? Give an example.
2 List the two distinct advantages of user define exceptions handling mechanisms?
3 How does “try… catch” mechanism handle an exception?
4 At which point in the program will the execution resume after the error is handled?
5 What the use is of Finally block, explain with example?
6 Explain the usage of throws using an example?
7 Differentiate between throws and throw keywords?
8 Why do we need custom exceptions, give reasons?
9 Briefly describe the method of defining and using a custom exception?
10 Write a java program to read 20 marks and store them in an array, Define your own exception named wrongmarkexception. Throw and catch this type of exception when a mark is <0>100.
11 The value of the correlation coefficient always lies between -1 and +1.Write a java program to define correlation exception in such a way that a wrong correlation coefficient will be reported. Enter the set of correlation coefficients and report wrong correlation coefficients.
12 List some of the most common exceptions that occur in java explain with examples?
13 Is it essential to catch all types of exceptions, Give reasons to your answer?
14 How many catch blocks can we use with one try block, Give reasons to your answer?
15 Create a try block that is likely to create 3 types of exceptions and then incorporate necessary catch blocks to catch and handle them appropriately?
16 Explain how exception handling mechanism can be used for debugging a program?
17 Write a java program to define nomatch exception that is thrown when the string of input is not “India”
18 Define thread? Name and explain different states in the lifecycle of threads?
19 Differentiate multiprocessing and multithreading? What is to be done to implement these in a program?
20 What java interface must be implemented by all threads, Explain with examples?
21 Explain the methods used for starting and stopping the threads?
22 How do we set priorities to threads, explain with example?
23 Describe the complete life cycle of threads?
24 What is synchronization, when do we use it in multithreading?
25 Write a java program for producer consumer problem to illustrate the concept of multithreading?
26 What is a deadlock? What harmful effect does it have?
27 Which methods are useful in effecting inter thread communication?
28 Explain about notify(), notifyall() and join() in threads?
29 Write a java program to generate square roots of the first 30 natural numbers using runnable interface?
30 Write a java code to define the thread in the thread class to find the factorials of first 20 natural numbers. Create an instance for the thread and activate it?
1 What is an Event? Explain the role of Event handler in AWT?
2 What is a listener? What useful role does the listener play in AWT?
3 List and explain the different situations in which the Action Event is generated? Write the event handler for the Action Event?
4 List and explain the different situations in which the item Event is generated? Write the event handler for the item Event?
5 Define the purpose of the following Events
a) Focus Event
b) Text Event
c) Container Event
d) Window Event
e) Key Event
6 Mention and explain any five event handling methods for Mouse Event?
7 Mention and explain any five event handling methods for Window Event?
8 Mention and explain the event handling methods for Key Event?
9 List and explain about any five event listeners in AWT?
10 Describe briefly about delegation event model?
11 Explain about adapter classes in detail?
12 Mention and explain any five event handling methods for Component Event?
13 Mention and explain any five event handling methods for Container Event?
14 Explain any five methods used in container class?
15 What is a panel? How it is used for organizing the things in a controlled way?
16 Write a java code to explain frames in an AWT?
17 Are the classes frame and dialogs are subclasses of the window class? Explain.
18 List and explain about the various methods used in the font class?
19 List and explain about the various methods used in the colour class?
20 List and explain about the various drawing methods used in graphics class?
21 Write a java code to draw horizontal, vertical and diagonal lines by making use of graphics methods?
22 Write a java code to Rectangle, Square and Rhombus by making use of graphics methods?
23 Write a java code to draw Ellipses and Circles by making use of graphics methods?
24 Write a java code to draw Arcs and Sector, Semicircle by making use of graphics methods?
25 Write a java code to draw polygon of sides 5, 6, 7 and 8 by making use of graphics methods?
26 Write a java code to display the text “JNTUH” in various Colors?
27 Write a java code to display the text “JNTUH” in various Fonts?
28 Write a java code to explain the text alignment?
29 Write a java code to draw cone , cube and cylinder?
30 Write a java code to draw circle inside a square and a square inside a circle?
1 Write a java code to explain the concept of Label control in AWT?
2 Write a java code to explain the concept of Buttons control in AWT?
3 Write a java code to explain the concept of Text fields control in AWT?
4 Write a java code to explain the concept of Text Area control in AWT?
5 Write a java code to explain the concept of Checkbox in AWT?
6 Write a java code to explain the concept of Checkbox group in AWT?
7 Write a java code to explain the concept of List control in AWT?
8 Write a java code to explain the concept of Choice control in AWT?
9 Write a java code to explain the concept of Scrollbars control in AWT?
10 Briefly explain the roles played by Menubar, Menu and Menuitem classes?
11 Write a java code to explain the concept of Flow Layout in AWT?
12 Write a java code to explain the concept of Border Layout in AWT?
13 Write a java code to explain the concept of Grid Layout in AWT?
14 Write a java code to explain the concept of Card Layout in AWT?
15 Write a java code to explain the concept of GridBag Layout in AWT?
16 What are the unique features of border layout?
How does the grid layout differ from the border layout? Explain.
17 Distinguish between the functionalities of choice and List controls?
18 Write a java code to explain about icons and Jlabel control in JApplet class of Swings?
19 Write a java code to explain JText field control in Swings?
20 Write a java code to explain JButton control in Swings?
21 Write a java code to explain JCheckBox control in Swings?
22 Write a java code to explain JRadioButton control in Swings?
23 Write a java code to explain JComboBox control in Swings?
24 Write a java code to explain JTabbedPane control in Swings?
25 Write a java code to explain JScrollPane control in Swings?
26 Write a java code to explain JTable control in Swings?
27 What is an Applet? Explain how does an Applet differ from the application?
28 Briefly Explain the Life cycle of an Applet?
29 With a sample java code explain the method of creating and executing an Applet?
30 Write an Applet to receive the value of the parameter message from the html file and display it on the webpage?
1 Briefly explain the utility of gethost(), getProtocol() and getPort() methods of the URL class?
2 What is socket how it is used in the networking?
3 Briefly explain the situations in which bindexception, connectedexception and NoroutetoHost exception are thrown?
4 What is an InetAddress? Write a java program to create an Inetaddress?
5 Explain briefly about the concept of TCP?
6 Describe briefly about the concept of UDP?
7 Write a server side program to send the sales figures for the six working days in a week to a client. Write the corresponding client program?
8 Suppose the sales data is available in the file named sales.dat. Write a java program to read the data from the file,extract the tokens and send them one by one over the net from a server to a client?
9 Write a server side program to send the name of a medical specialist. Write a client side applet to receive it and retrieve his phone number, return it to the server.
10 Write the client side applet to send the sales figure to the server. Write the server program to compute and send the commission
11 Write the server side program to send the message : send 83 lakhs immediately” to a client. Write the corresponding client program.
12 Write a server side program that receives the filename, retrieve it and send the contents of the file to the client. Write the corresponding client program?
13 Write a server side program that receives the filename from the client, retrieve its content and send the contents of the file to the client. Write the corresponding client program?
14 Develop a UDP based server side program to send the multiple lines of message to a client. Write the corresponding UDP based client side program.
15 Develop a UDP based client side program to send the sales data, one by one, to the server. Write the corresponding UDP based server side program
16 Write the UDP based client side program to send the radius of a circle to the server. Write the server side applet such that it receives the radius, computes the area and finally return it to the client.
17 Define and explain some of the methods in Collection interface in java.util package?
18 Define and explain some of the methods in List interface in java.util package?
19 Write a sample java code to demonstrate ArrayList class methods?
20 Write a sample java code to demonstrate LinkedList class methods?
21 Write a sample java code to demonstrate HashSet class methods?
22 Write a sample java code to explain any 5 methods of MAP interface in java.util package?
23 Write a sample java code to explain any 5 methods of Enumerated interface in java.util package?
24 Write a sample java code to demonstrate Vector class?
25 Write a sample java code to demonstrate Stack class?
26 Write a sample java code to demonstrate Dictionary and Hash table classes?
27 Write a sample java code to demonstrate Sting Tokenizer class?
28 Write a sample java code to demonstrate Date class methods?
29 Mention any 5 classes and its methods in java.io package?
30 Mention any 5 classes and its methods in java.net package?
1 What is an exception? Give an example.
2 List the two distinct advantages of user define exceptions handling mechanisms?
3 How does “try… catch” mechanism handle an exception?
4 At which point in the program will the execution resume after the error is handled?
5 What the use is of Finally block, explain with example?
6 Explain the usage of throws using an example?
7 Differentiate between throws and throw keywords?
8 Why do we need custom exceptions, give reasons?
9 Briefly describe the method of defining and using a custom exception?
10 Write a java program to read 20 marks and store them in an array, Define your own exception named wrongmarkexception. Throw and catch this type of exception when a mark is <0>100.
11 The value of the correlation coefficient always lies between -1 and +1.Write a java program to define correlation exception in such a way that a wrong correlation coefficient will be reported. Enter the set of correlation coefficients and report wrong correlation coefficients.
12 List some of the most common exceptions that occur in java explain with examples?
13 Is it essential to catch all types of exceptions, Give reasons to your answer?
14 How many catch blocks can we use with one try block, Give reasons to your answer?
15 Create a try block that is likely to create 3 types of exceptions and then incorporate necessary catch blocks to catch and handle them appropriately?
16 Explain how exception handling mechanism can be used for debugging a program?
17 Write a java program to define nomatch exception that is thrown when the string of input is not “India”
18 Define thread? Name and explain different states in the lifecycle of threads?
19 Differentiate multiprocessing and multithreading? What is to be done to implement these in a program?
20 What java interface must be implemented by all threads, Explain with examples?
21 Explain the methods used for starting and stopping the threads?
22 How do we set priorities to threads, explain with example?
23 Describe the complete life cycle of threads?
24 What is synchronization, when do we use it in multithreading?
25 Write a java program for producer consumer problem to illustrate the concept of multithreading?
26 What is a deadlock? What harmful effect does it have?
27 Which methods are useful in effecting inter thread communication?
28 Explain about notify(), notifyall() and join() in threads?
29 Write a java program to generate square roots of the first 30 natural numbers using runnable interface?
30 Write a java code to define the thread in the thread class to find the factorials of first 20 natural numbers. Create an instance for the thread and activate it?
1 What is an Event? Explain the role of Event handler in AWT?
2 What is a listener? What useful role does the listener play in AWT?
3 List and explain the different situations in which the Action Event is generated? Write the event handler for the Action Event?
4 List and explain the different situations in which the item Event is generated? Write the event handler for the item Event?
5 Define the purpose of the following Events
a) Focus Event
b) Text Event
c) Container Event
d) Window Event
e) Key Event
6 Mention and explain any five event handling methods for Mouse Event?
7 Mention and explain any five event handling methods for Window Event?
8 Mention and explain the event handling methods for Key Event?
9 List and explain about any five event listeners in AWT?
10 Describe briefly about delegation event model?
11 Explain about adapter classes in detail?
12 Mention and explain any five event handling methods for Component Event?
13 Mention and explain any five event handling methods for Container Event?
14 Explain any five methods used in container class?
15 What is a panel? How it is used for organizing the things in a controlled way?
16 Write a java code to explain frames in an AWT?
17 Are the classes frame and dialogs are subclasses of the window class? Explain.
18 List and explain about the various methods used in the font class?
19 List and explain about the various methods used in the colour class?
20 List and explain about the various drawing methods used in graphics class?
21 Write a java code to draw horizontal, vertical and diagonal lines by making use of graphics methods?
22 Write a java code to Rectangle, Square and Rhombus by making use of graphics methods?
23 Write a java code to draw Ellipses and Circles by making use of graphics methods?
24 Write a java code to draw Arcs and Sector, Semicircle by making use of graphics methods?
25 Write a java code to draw polygon of sides 5, 6, 7 and 8 by making use of graphics methods?
26 Write a java code to display the text “JNTUH” in various Colors?
27 Write a java code to display the text “JNTUH” in various Fonts?
28 Write a java code to explain the text alignment?
29 Write a java code to draw cone , cube and cylinder?
30 Write a java code to draw circle inside a square and a square inside a circle?
1 Write a java code to explain the concept of Label control in AWT?
2 Write a java code to explain the concept of Buttons control in AWT?
3 Write a java code to explain the concept of Text fields control in AWT?
4 Write a java code to explain the concept of Text Area control in AWT?
5 Write a java code to explain the concept of Checkbox in AWT?
6 Write a java code to explain the concept of Checkbox group in AWT?
7 Write a java code to explain the concept of List control in AWT?
8 Write a java code to explain the concept of Choice control in AWT?
9 Write a java code to explain the concept of Scrollbars control in AWT?
10 Briefly explain the roles played by Menubar, Menu and Menuitem classes?
11 Write a java code to explain the concept of Flow Layout in AWT?
12 Write a java code to explain the concept of Border Layout in AWT?
13 Write a java code to explain the concept of Grid Layout in AWT?
14 Write a java code to explain the concept of Card Layout in AWT?
15 Write a java code to explain the concept of GridBag Layout in AWT?
16 What are the unique features of border layout?
How does the grid layout differ from the border layout? Explain.
17 Distinguish between the functionalities of choice and List controls?
18 Write a java code to explain about icons and Jlabel control in JApplet class of Swings?
19 Write a java code to explain JText field control in Swings?
20 Write a java code to explain JButton control in Swings?
21 Write a java code to explain JCheckBox control in Swings?
22 Write a java code to explain JRadioButton control in Swings?
23 Write a java code to explain JComboBox control in Swings?
24 Write a java code to explain JTabbedPane control in Swings?
25 Write a java code to explain JScrollPane control in Swings?
26 Write a java code to explain JTable control in Swings?
27 What is an Applet? Explain how does an Applet differ from the application?
28 Briefly Explain the Life cycle of an Applet?
29 With a sample java code explain the method of creating and executing an Applet?
30 Write an Applet to receive the value of the parameter message from the html file and display it on the webpage?
1 Briefly explain the utility of gethost(), getProtocol() and getPort() methods of the URL class?
2 What is socket how it is used in the networking?
3 Briefly explain the situations in which bindexception, connectedexception and NoroutetoHost exception are thrown?
4 What is an InetAddress? Write a java program to create an Inetaddress?
5 Explain briefly about the concept of TCP?
6 Describe briefly about the concept of UDP?
7 Write a server side program to send the sales figures for the six working days in a week to a client. Write the corresponding client program?
8 Suppose the sales data is available in the file named sales.dat. Write a java program to read the data from the file,extract the tokens and send them one by one over the net from a server to a client?
9 Write a server side program to send the name of a medical specialist. Write a client side applet to receive it and retrieve his phone number, return it to the server.
10 Write the client side applet to send the sales figure to the server. Write the server program to compute and send the commission
11 Write the server side program to send the message : send 83 lakhs immediately” to a client. Write the corresponding client program.
12 Write a server side program that receives the filename, retrieve it and send the contents of the file to the client. Write the corresponding client program?
13 Write a server side program that receives the filename from the client, retrieve its content and send the contents of the file to the client. Write the corresponding client program?
14 Develop a UDP based server side program to send the multiple lines of message to a client. Write the corresponding UDP based client side program.
15 Develop a UDP based client side program to send the sales data, one by one, to the server. Write the corresponding UDP based server side program
16 Write the UDP based client side program to send the radius of a circle to the server. Write the server side applet such that it receives the radius, computes the area and finally return it to the client.
17 Define and explain some of the methods in Collection interface in java.util package?
18 Define and explain some of the methods in List interface in java.util package?
19 Write a sample java code to demonstrate ArrayList class methods?
20 Write a sample java code to demonstrate LinkedList class methods?
21 Write a sample java code to demonstrate HashSet class methods?
22 Write a sample java code to explain any 5 methods of MAP interface in java.util package?
23 Write a sample java code to explain any 5 methods of Enumerated interface in java.util package?
24 Write a sample java code to demonstrate Vector class?
25 Write a sample java code to demonstrate Stack class?
26 Write a sample java code to demonstrate Dictionary and Hash table classes?
27 Write a sample java code to demonstrate Sting Tokenizer class?
28 Write a sample java code to demonstrate Date class methods?
29 Mention any 5 classes and its methods in java.io package?
30 Mention any 5 classes and its methods in java.net package?
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